Nose surgery or Rhinoplasty is a facial beautification surgery.
Without Function, You Don't Feel Beautiful
Can't breathe, can't feel the sense of smell, decrease the sense of taste, cause continuous attacks of sinusitis, crusting in the nose rhinoplasty surgery does not make the face beautiful. It makes the person unhappy.
The Nose Competible with Face
A nose that is not compatible with the face does not beautify the face. When you think of the most beautifully designed nose in the world on a mismatched face, that nose will begin to appear; I look into the eyes of the other person when I speak, I look at the lips when the other person is talking. If that nose says "I am here" while passing from eye to lip, that nose feels like it doesn't belong to that face. It will not beautify the face.
(Very raised or low, curved or arched, pointed or pinched, narrow as a ball, or wide as a ball rhinoplasty surgeries. That doesn't make the face beautiful either.)
The Nose Compatible Face
Rhinoplasty done. But still it is not fully compatible with the face. So, can natural changes be made to the face? For example, an intervention for the chin, plumping the forehead, correcting the under-eye cavities.
It is the least talked about but equally important issue. So much so that science and art meet at a higher point. Rhinoplasty I think the artistic point of view gains importance here.
You should also be able to consult with your doctor about this issue. After that, the choice is up to you. You either do it or you don't.
Remember, Nose surgery If you evaluate all the options before the surgery, you will not regret it.